-- SQL Server string to date / datetime conversion - datetime string format sql server
-- MSSQL string to datetime conversion - convert char to date - convert varchar to date
-- Subtract 100 from style number (format) for yy instead yyyy (or ccyy with century)
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 2012 11:01AM', 100) -- mon dd yyyy hh:mmAM (or PM)
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 2012 11:01AM') -- 2012-10-23 11:01:00.000
-- Without century (yy) string date conversion - convert string to datetime function
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 12 11:01AM', 0) -- mon dd yy hh:mmAM (or PM)
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 12 11:01AM') -- 2012-10-23 11:01:00.000
-- Convert string to datetime sql - convert string to date sql - sql dates format
-- T-SQL convert string to datetime - SQL Server convert string to date
SELECT convert(datetime, '10/23/2016', 101) -- mm/dd/yyyy
SELECT convert(datetime, '2016.10.23', 102) -- yyyy.mm.dd ANSI date with century
SELECT convert(datetime, '23/10/2016', 103) -- dd/mm/yyyy
SELECT convert(datetime, '23.10.2016', 104) -- dd.mm.yyyy
SELECT convert(datetime, '23-10-2016', 105) -- dd-mm-yyyy
-- mon types are nondeterministic conversions, dependent on language setting
SELECT convert(datetime, '23 OCT 2016', 106) -- dd mon yyyy
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23, 2016', 107) -- mon dd, yyyy
-- 2016-10-23 00:00:00.000
SELECT convert(datetime, '20:10:44', 108) -- hh:mm:ss
-- 1900-01-01 20:10:44.000
-- mon dd yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmAM (or PM) - sql time format - SQL Server datetime format
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 2016 11:02:44:013AM', 109)
-- 2016-10-23 11:02:44.013
SELECT convert(datetime, '10-23-2016', 110) -- mm-dd-yyyy
SELECT convert(datetime, '2016/10/23', 111) -- yyyy/mm/dd
-- YYYYMMDD ISO date format works at any language setting - international standard
SELECT convert(datetime, '20161023')
SELECT convert(datetime, '20161023', 112) -- ISO yyyymmdd
-- 2016-10-23 00:00:00.000
SELECT convert(datetime, '23 Oct 2016 11:02:07:577', 113) -- dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm
-- 2016-10-23 11:02:07.577
SELECT convert(datetime, '20:10:25:300', 114) -- hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
-- 1900-01-01 20:10:25.300
SELECT convert(datetime, '2016-10-23 20:44:11', 120) -- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss(24h)
-- 2016-10-23 20:44:11.000
SELECT convert(datetime, '2016-10-23 20:44:11.500', 121) -- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm
-- 2016-10-23 20:44:11.500
-- Style 126 is ISO 8601 format: international standard - works with any language setting
SELECT convert(datetime, '2008-10-23T18:52:47.513', 126) -- yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss(.mmm)
-- 2008-10-23 18:52:47.513
SELECT convert(datetime, N'23 شوال 1429 6:52:47:513PM', 130) -- Islamic/Hijri date
SELECT convert(datetime, '23/10/1429 6:52:47:513PM', 131) -- Islamic/Hijri date
-- Convert DDMMYYYY format to datetime - sql server to date / datetime
SELECT convert(datetime, STUFF(STUFF('31012016',3,0,'-'),6,0,'-'), 105)
-- 2016-01-31 00:00:00.000
-- SQL Server T-SQL string to datetime conversion without century - some exceptions
-- nondeterministic means language setting dependent such as Mar/Mär/mars/márc
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 16 11:02:44AM') -- Default
SELECT convert(datetime, '10/23/16', 1) -- mm/dd/yy U.S.
SELECT convert(datetime, '16.10.23', 2) -- yy.mm.dd ANSI
SELECT convert(datetime, '23/10/16', 3) -- dd/mm/yy UK/FR
SELECT convert(datetime, '23.10.16', 4) -- dd.mm.yy German
SELECT convert(datetime, '23-10-16', 5) -- dd-mm-yy Italian
SELECT convert(datetime, '23 OCT 16', 6) -- dd mon yy non-det.
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23, 16', 7) -- mon dd, yy non-det.
SELECT convert(datetime, '20:10:44', 8) -- hh:mm:ss
SELECT convert(datetime, 'Oct 23 16 11:02:44:013AM', 9) -- Default with msec
SELECT convert(datetime, '10-23-16', 10) -- mm-dd-yy U.S.
SELECT convert(datetime, '16/10/23', 11) -- yy/mm/dd Japan
SELECT convert(datetime, '161023', 12) -- yymmdd ISO
SELECT convert(datetime, '23 Oct 16 11:02:07:577', 13) -- dd mon yy hh:mm:ss:mmm EU dflt
SELECT convert(datetime, '20:10:25:300', 14) -- hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
SELECT convert(datetime, '2016-10-23 20:44:11',20) -- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss(24h) ODBC can.
SELECT convert(datetime, '2016-10-23 20:44:11.500', 21)-- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm ODBC
-- SQL Datetime Data Type: Combine date & time string into datetime - sql hh mm ss
-- String to datetime - mssql datetime - sql convert date - sql concatenate string
DECLARE @DateTimeValue varchar(32), @DateValue char(8), @TimeValue char(6)
SELECT @DateValue = '20120718',
@TimeValue = '211920'
SELECT @DateTimeValue =
convert(varchar, convert(datetime, @DateValue), 111)
+ ' ' + substring(@TimeValue, 1, 2)
+ ':' + substring(@TimeValue, 3, 2)
+ ':' + substring(@TimeValue, 5, 2)
DateInput = @DateValue, TimeInput = @TimeValue,
DateTimeOutput = @DateTimeValue;
DateInput TimeInput DateTimeOutput
20120718 211920 2012/07/18 21:19:20 */
/* DATETIME 8 bytes internal storage structure
o 1st 4 bytes: number of days after the base date 1900-01-01
o 2nd 4 bytes: number of clock-ticks (3.33 milliseconds) since midnight
DATETIME2 8 bytes (precision > 4) internal storage structure
o 1st byte: precision like 7
o middle 4 bytes: number of time units (100ns smallest) since midnight
o last 3 bytes: number of days after the base date 0001-01-01
DATE 3 bytes internal storage structure
o 3 bytes integer: number of days after the first date 0001-01-01
o Note: hex byte order reversed
SMALLDATETIME 4 bytes internal storage structure
o 1st 2 bytes: number of days after the base date 1900-01-01
o 2nd 2 bytes: number of minutes since midnight */
SELECT CONVERT(binary(8), getdate()) -- 0x00009E4D 00C01272
SELECT CONVERT(binary(4), convert(smalldatetime,getdate())) -- 0x9E4D 02BC
-- This is how a datetime looks in 8 bytes
DECLARE @dtHex binary(8)= 0x00009966002d3344;
DECLARE @dt datetime = @dtHex
SELECT @dt -- 2007-07-09 02:44:34.147
------------ */
-- SQL Server 2012 New Date & Time Related Functions
SELECT DATEFROMPARTS ( 2016, 10, 23 ) AS RealDate; -- 2016-10-23
SELECT DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( 2016, 10, 23, 10, 10, 10, 500 ) AS RealDateTime; -- 2016-10-23 10:10:10.500
SELECT EOMONTH('20140201'); -- 2014-02-28
SELECT EOMONTH('20160201'); -- 2016-02-29
SELECT EOMONTH('20160201',1); -- 2016-03-31
SELECT FORMAT ( getdate(), 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt', 'en-US' ); -- 2016/07/30 03:39:48 AM
SELECT FORMAT ( getdate(), 'd', 'en-US' ); -- 7/30/2016
SELECT PARSE('SAT, 13 December 2014' AS datetime USING 'en-US') AS [Date&Time];
-- 2014-12-13 00:00:00.000
SELECT TRY_PARSE('SAT, 13 December 2014' AS datetime USING 'en-US') AS [Date&Time];
-- 2014-12-13 00:00:00.000
SELECT TRY_CONVERT(datetime, '13 December 2014' ) AS [Date&Time]; -- 2014-12-13 00:00:00.000
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2, sysdatetime()); AS [DateTime2]; -- 2016-02-12 13:09:24.0642891
-- SQL convert seconds to HH:MM:SS - sql times format - sql hh mm
SET @Seconds = 20000
SELECT HH = @Seconds / 3600, MM = (@Seconds%3600) / 60, SS = (@Seconds%60)
5 33 20 */
-- SQL Server Date Only from DATETIME column - get date only
-- T-SQL just date - truncate time from datetime - remove time part
DECLARE @Now datetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP -- getdate()
SELECT DateAndTime = @Now -- Date portion and Time portion
,DateString = REPLACE(LEFT(CONVERT (varchar, @Now, 112),10),' ','-')
,[Date] = CONVERT(DATE, @Now) -- SQL Server 2008 and on - date part
,Midnight1 = dateadd(day, datediff(day,0, @Now), 0)
,Midnight2 = CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(int, @Now))
,Midnight3 = CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(BIGINT,@Now) & (POWER(Convert(bigint,2),32)-1))
/* DateAndTime DateString Date Midnight1 Midnight2 Midnight3
2010-11-02 08:00:33.657 20101102 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 00:00:00.000 2010-11-02 00:00:00.000 2010-11-02 00:00:00.000 */
-- SQL Server 2008 convert datetime to date - sql yyyy mm dd
SELECT TOP (3) OrderDate = CONVERT(date, OrderDate),
Today = CONVERT(date, getdate())
FROM AdventureWorks2008.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
ORDER BY newid();
/* OrderDate Today
2004-02-15 2012-06-18 .....*/
-- SQL date yyyy mm dd - sqlserver yyyy mm dd - date format yyyymmdd
2015/07/11 */
20150711 */
2015 07 11 */
-- Converting to special (non-standard) date fomats: DD-MMM-YY
-- 07-MAR-14
-- SQL convert date string to datetime - time set to 00:00:00.000 or 12:00AM
PRINT CONVERT(datetime,'07-10-2012',110) -- Jul 10 2012 12:00AM
PRINT CONVERT(datetime,'2012/07/10',111) -- Jul 10 2012 12:00AM
PRINT CONVERT(datetime,'20120710', 112) -- Jul 10 2012 12:00AM
-- UNIX to SQL Server datetime conversion
declare @UNIX bigint = 1477216861;
select dateadd(ss,@UNIX,'19700101'); -- 2016-10-23 10:01:01.000
-- String to date conversion - sql date yyyy mm dd - sql date formatting
-- SQL Server cast string to date - sql convert date to datetime
SELECT [Date] = CAST (@DateValue AS datetime)
-- 2012-07-18 00:00:00.000
-- SQL convert string date to different style - sql date string formatting
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(datetime, '20140508'), 100)
-- May 8 2014 12:00AM
-- SQL Server convert date to integer
DECLARE @Date datetime; SET @Date = getdate();
SELECT DateAsInteger = CAST (CONVERT(varchar,@Date,112) as INT);
-- Result: 20161225
-- SQL Server convert integer to datetime
DECLARE @iDate int
SET @iDate = 20151225
SELECT IntegerToDatetime = CAST(convert(varchar,@iDate) as datetime)
-- 2015-12-25 00:00:00.000
-- Alternates: date-only datetime values
-- SQL Server floor date - sql convert datetime
-- SQL Server cast string to datetime
-- SQL Server datetime to string convert
-- SQL Server dateadd function - T-SQL datediff function
-- SQL strip time from date - MSSQL strip time from datetime
SELECT getdate() ,dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)
-- Results: 2016-01-23 05:35:52.793 2016-01-23 00:00:00.000
-- String date - 10 bytes of storage
-- Same results: 01-02-2012
-- SQL Server cast datetime as string - sql datetime formatting
SELECT stringDateTime=CAST (getdate() as varchar) -- Dec 29 2012 3:47AM
-- SQL date range BETWEEN operator
-- SQL date range select - date range search - T-SQL date range query
-- Count Sales Orders for 2003 OCT-NOV
SET @StartDate = convert(DATETIME,'10/01/2003',101)
SET @EndDate = convert(DATETIME,'11/30/2003',101)
SELECT @StartDate, @EndDate
-- 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000 2003-11-30 00:00:00.000
SELECT dateadd(DAY,1,@EndDate),
-- 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 2003-11-30 23:59:59.997
-- MSSQL date range select using >= and <
SELECT [Sales Orders for 2003 OCT-NOV] = COUNT(* )
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate >= @StartDate AND OrderDate < dateadd(DAY,1,@EndDate)
/* Sales Orders for 2003 OCT-NOV
3668 */
-- Equivalent date range query using BETWEEN comparison
-- It requires a bit of trick programming
SELECT [Sales Orders for 2003 OCT-NOV] = COUNT(* )
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(DAY,1,@EndDate))
-- 3668
USE AdventureWorks